Data protection

In our privacy policy you can find out what happens to your data when you register for the People & Culture Festival 2022, subscribe to the medianet Berlin-Brandenburg e.v. newsletter.

What happens to my data?

Information according to § 33 BDSG:
medianet berlinbrandenburg e.V. stores and processes customer data in strict compliance with legal requirements.

Customer data is collected, stored and processed for the implementation and follow-up of the event. This is done for the purposes of processing the registration for the People & Culture Festival 2024, the implementation and billing. Unless otherwise stated, these are Name of the contractual partner or the participating person, the name of the company, the postal address of the company and/or the participating person, the telephone numbers, the e-mail address, the IP address and the time of an online registration in order to be able to prove a registration by the participating person or contractual partner* in the event of a dispute, as well as payment information, such as account and credit card details, for the purposes of payment processing and combating abuse.

medianet berlinbrandenburg e.V. guarantees that personal data will be handled with care and used solely for the purposes of the event. The data will not be passed on to third parties.

Participants can also receive a newsletter from medianet berlinbrandenburg e.V. with further information on the topics of the events. To send the newsletter, medianet berlinbrandenburg e.V. stores the customer’s email address and first and last name, which medianet berlinbrandenburg e.V. requires to address them personally. medianet berlinbrandenburg e.V. does not collect any other data for sending the newsletter. The data used for sending the newsletter will not be passed on to third parties.

You can revoke your consent to the storage of your data, e-mail address and name and their use for sending the newsletter or other advertising information at any time without giving reasons. This will not result in any costs or other disadvantages.

You can find out more about the privacy policy of medianet berlinbrandenburg e.V. on the website.

What happens to my data on Eventbrite?

You can read everything you need to know about Eventbrite’s privacy policy on the website.


Das PEOPLE & CULTURE FESTIVAL 2024 ist eine Veranstaltung des medianet berlinbrandenburg e.V. und wird gefördert durch die Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe.

medianet berlinbrandenburg e.V. Neuköllnische Allee 80 12057 Berlin

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