Jürgen Rickert is a school refusenik, school founder and principal, journalist, PR manager, dramaturge and production manager, former federal coordinator of UNESCO project schools, co-initiator of the Euro-Arab Dialogue and the German-African Youth Academy, initiator of scenic actions on three continents on the SDG topic, founder of the German Climate Action School Network, currently project management for the educational organization #wirfürschule, podcast series as host at the Stiftung Bildung.
*Translated with DeepL
Das PEOPLE & CULTURE FESTIVAL 2024 ist eine Veranstaltung des medianet berlinbrandenburg e.V. und wird gefördert durch die Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe.
medianet berlinbrandenburg e.V. Neuköllnische Allee 80 12057 Berlin