Lisa Nawrocki studied Digital Media Culture (B.A.) and Media Studies (M.A.) at the Film University Babelsberg. During this time, she produced short films and worked for a total of four years in programming, marketing, and festival management for SEHSÜCHTE, the International Student Film Festival. Since 2020, she has been heading the office of UNESCO CITY OF FILM POTSDAM. She works as a production assistant at BANDENFILM, hosts at film festivals, and curates for MEDIANET BERLIN-BRANDENBURG.
*Translated with DeepL
Das PEOPLE & CULTURE FESTIVAL 2024 ist eine Veranstaltung des medianet berlinbrandenburg e.V. und wird gefördert durch die Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe.
medianet berlinbrandenburg e.V. Neuköllnische Allee 80 12057 Berlin