Erich Pommer Institut
The Erich Pommer Institut (EPI) is one of the leading training providers in the German and European media landscape and an independent industry think tank. The EPI was founded in 1998 as an independent non-profit GmbH. As an affiliated institute of the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, EPI is a central interface between practice, teaching, and research.
We have made it our mission to offer programmes that meet the current challenges of media professionals and accompany the next steps in their careers. The Media Academy lateral and re-entry programme will start in spring 2024. This is an offer for people from Berlin and Brandenburg who can complete a traineeship for several months in media companies in the region and acquire basic knowledge about media production.
Contact person

Projektmanagerin WBV Media Collective: Denise Grduszak

Koordination Weiterbildung: Anja Krüger

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