Mina Saidze
AI expert, founder and author FairTech
Foto: Dagmara Musial

Mina Saidze is an award-winning AI expert, author, founder, and LinkedIn Top Voice. She founded Inclusive Tech, Europe’s first advocacy and advisory organization for diversity in tech and AI ethics, which made it to the Forbes 30 Under 30 list. In October 2023, her book “FairTech: Digitalisierung neu denken für eine gerechte Gesellschaft” (FairTech: Rethinking Digitization for a Just Society) was published and can be purchased locally.

Mina Saidze on the web


10:30 - 11:00
Kino 1
Opening Keynote: FairTech: Rethinking Digitalisation for People & Culture
In times of economic pessimism, diversity in tech is often ridiculed as a nice-to-have, and people often try to cut costs. But it is a crucial success factor for digital transformation. Mina Saidze, an award-winning AI expert, FairTech author and founder, reveals in her keynote why diversity in tech is essential for a sustainable and agile organisation. She shows how it can be effectively integrated into products, people and processes to achieve sustainable impact.
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